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Don't let the fear of falling keep you from flying


So, what am I getting into?


What is Coaching?

Wonderful Question! To me, coaching is about creating a safe space for growth and empowering individuals to be their fullest selves.


A coach helps build relationships and provide unique inspiration and support for each person to reach their goals.


Whether you’re searching for clarity, motivation, accountability, guidance, or a cheerleader, a coach can help you change your life!


How does Creativity Coaching Differ?

Another great question. You’re very inquisitive. Each one of us has heaps and heaps of creative potential that we often put aside for the sake of time, lack of motivation, or fear of failure.


Creativity coaching is a special relationship built around assisting you in fulfilling your creative goals and dreams.


Whether it’s finding inspiration for a creative outlet, writing the next Oscar-winning screenplay, or everything in between, creativity coaching can help you push past blockages, creative scarring, and productivity issues to find the path to create what you’ve always dreamed of.


How does this work?

The first step starts with you. Ask yourself if you’re truly ready to start the path of unlocking yourself. Once you’ve done that, our journey together can begin.

I offer one-on-one video sessions (via zoom or skype) that last an hour. I’m also happy to meet in person if we’re in the same city or if you’re willing to fly me to you (here’s hoping you’re somewhere warm!)

During this hour, we will be open yet efficient with our time together, focusing on what you want to work on at that point in an effort to meet your overall creative goals. I offer three different coaching approaches…or appr-coaches, if you will. You can find them below.

Coaching Packages

Excavating your true & playful potential

A La Carte


No long-term commitment required! Schedule a session whenever you like and pay as you go.


$100 per session

A la carte​


 No long-term commitment required! Schedule a session whenever you like and pay as you go.








Commitment of 12 Sessions. Provides you with more consistency and sustainability. Package can be upgraded to 6-month package.






3 Month Package​

15% Savings



Commitment of 24 Sessions. Provides you with EVEN more consistency and sustainability. 






6 Month Package​

25% Savings

Project Based​

 This is a great option if you have a specific project you’re working on and you’re looking for support throughout the lifecycle of the project.


We can talk about timelines, goals, and what you need, and we’ll set up a custom package just for you.


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My primary goal is to help you  in your pursuit of creative joy and accomplishment. Please do not let money be cause for you not to reach out. I believe it is important to invest in yourself and your future. That investment comes in many forms. I'm happy to have a conversation and work with you. Reach out today. 

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